Posted in Literature, Poetry

Hopeless In Darkness

There is no light if I chose darkness,

No—it is not cliché to write about it.

It is the cold darkness that I love

That shielded me while I’m sobbed,

But can’t stop my endless misery

Of abandonment from loved ones I

Trusted with the little that’s left, 

Who, one after another stabbed me

Through my heart and walked away.

To say I’m strong enough to carry on

Is to tell a dying soldier to charge.

Can you please just end my misery?

“The light at the end of the tunnel”

Is bullshit if I’m serving life sentence 

In the prison of ceaseless failures.

Posted in Literature, Poetry

Driving Afraid and Anxious

  1. What’s that lesson that Driver’s ED taught?
  2. “Before driving, always check the…”
  3. Screw it! Shift gears already and run free!
  1. But life is inhibited by wallets.
  2. Gas to and back from Atlanta
  3. Would cost me sixty-eight dollars.
  1. Whatever, go race within Gainesville then!
  2. Above the speed limit, I am free from rules.
  3. But my guilt constrains me 10 mph within.
  1. Sometimes, I miss intersections and exits,
  2. Detours needed to get back on track,
  3. Every minute wasted in my 2012 Corolla
  1. Burdens my whole ride,
  2. Like how I self-blame every time
  3. Someone honks at me.
  1. Forget about it.
  2. Red lights give me rest,
  3. But rest is short-lived.
  1. Next up: yellow light,
  2. My cue to step harder on the gas pedal—
  3. Tricked by my mind again that I’m in hurry.
  1. A green light means I don’t have to stop,
  2. Swerve off the bridge!
  3. Forget it, I’ll take the bus instead.
Posted in Literature, Poetry

Perish Me Away

  1. Obsessed with death, small trash bag 
  2. Over my head, I squeeze out every way
  3. To breathe but cowardliness controlled me;
  1. The bag was ripped to bits.
  2. I sit swallowing the sweet air,
  3. Annoyed by my huffing and puffing.
  1. After a sigh, I decided to push the failure aside.
  2. Indeed, it’s insane to give up over one inconvenience.
  3. So, I rode my bike onto Museum Road, 
  1. And crossed the dull, yellow line.
  2. Luckily, a pickup truck vroomed towards me,
  3. I hurried to meet it.
  1. But hindered by a panic in my heart,
  2. Last moment, I swerved right and spared my life,
  3. Falling downhill as I still crave death.
  1. My body always fought to stop me,
  2. A hollow robot protecting the soul
  3. Wailing over a woven weakness.
  1. Piercing past skin, pushing for veins,
  2. Pain signals fired; poor poltroon put the knife down.
  3. Hopeless, I pray for punishment.
Posted in Literature, Poetry

Walking At Night

  1. At first glance, all is darkness,
  2. But then, you see the glowing, white rock.
  3. Tonight it’s a complete circle,
  4. Accompanied by dozens of shining dots
  5. Scattered across a black canvas
  1. Reflected below on the black pond,
  2. Which is surrounded by bushes and wiregrass,
  3. Like how darkness covers my body.
  4. All the trees, all the grass, all the pavement
  5. Have been consumed by their own shadow,
  1. They can only silently wait for sunrise
  2. As the whooshing sounds of moving air
  3. Blows off our body heat and temper.
  4. The chirping of crickets, calling of toads
  5. Aids in bringing our minds to peace,
  1. Except for my constant war-waging mind,
  2. In this quiet, relaxing darkness,
  3. Where even the worst of my anxieties
  4. Fades away into the dark, crisp wind
  5. That makes my skin and heart feel cold.
  1. As invading thoughts bring back pain and anxiety,
  2. I release my mind back into the void of darkness.
  3. Finally, I feel calm enough to confront light again,
  4. So I walk back towards my shadow-consumed house.
  5. It’s relaxation, and the feeling of power in the darkness.
Posted in Literature, Poetry


1.     For all my life, I’ve been a lonely loser

 2.     Loathed by his kind for being the weakest.

3.     But when I was exiled, I felt relieved:

 4.     I’m not a loser anymore if it’s just me.

5.     On Earth, I symbiote bonded with Eddie, 

6.     A human who was left a lonely loser—

7.     He lost both his love and his job on the same day.

8.     But now he’s with me, and together we are venom.

9.     We lost to Riot at first, but then blew him up.

 10.  We lost to Carnage at first, but then ate him.

11.  What truly defeated us was our break-up.

12.  I felt relieved at first but realized:

13.  Without him, I’m left a lonely loser again!

14.  So, I returned and made him apologize

15.  For breaking my symbiote heart.

 16.  But his ungrateful human friends

17.  Turned us into fugitives to hunt for.

18.  Despite the lives we saved and brains I ate. 

19.  There is no good or evil side,

20.  Just an anti-hero doing what feels right.

21.  I’m a part-time poet, fully disguised,

22.  But Eddie’s full time lethal protector,

23.  I’m no longer a loser. I love him.
Posted in Literature, Poetry


  1. Politics don’t affect the fact
  2. That gender is beyond binary,
  1. More than cis or transgender,
  2. More than LGBTQ+
  1. To which contains my labels,
  2. But still, I fail to describe her:
  1. The female part of me
  2. Living as an empathetic girl.
  1. She has teal colored hair
  2. Ending at shoulder length.
  1. Pastel and pink nail polish
  2. On ten short fingernails.
  1. She wears black and blue
  2. Knee-length skirt, plaid,
  1. With long-sleeved white sweater
  2. Closely wrap around her neck.
  1. Like silk, she’s all-natural
  2. Femininity and love
  1. That makes her a lovely
  2. Companion to have with.
Posted in Literature

A “Final Solution” To Climate Change

While many old Americans believe in conspiracy theories like climate change being a hoax or not real, we younger Americans know that climate change is the single biggest threat facing our world right now. The situation is at its worst at any point in history as carbon dioxide levels are at the highest levels ever recorded in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, as a greenhouse effect, creates many negative problems for the world. It is the most dangerous greenhouse gas because it traps heat energy and keeps the heat energy close to Earth’s surface rather than letting the heat energy be released into space. This creates rising temperatures on Earth, in a phenomenon called global warming. This causes “extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts”. Meaning that it is a huge threat to human society and biodiversity. This is a dire situation we Americans are in as we have already seen the effects of climate change in recent years, ranging from the California wildfires, hurricanes, and rising sea levels making our beaches disappear. But what many don’t see are the invisible effects of rising carbon dioxide levels such as air pollution and respiratory diseases. All these effects don’t also point to one cause. But two significant causes of the rising carbon dioxide levels are pollution from corporations and the fossil fuel industry and the overpopulation of humans. 

It is of great importance for all of humanity and America to come up with a valid solution to reduce the carbon dioxide coming from these two causes. Thus, I propose what I believe is the final solution to tackle climate change: kill all the old people ages 65 and over. We will conduct this genocide by first rounding up the old people like cattle, shoving them into gas stations, releasing carbon monoxide from their cars into the gas station, burying all the dead bodies in areas where forests were cut down, and planting tree seeds on top of their dead bodies so the trees can use the nutrients from the dead bodies to grow tall and suck more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Those thinking they have common sense may claim that this proposal is somehow radical or too crazy, but clearly, they haven’t read Jonathan Swift’s proposal. The fact is, my proposal is nowhere radical nor crazy, it is an effective solution to a global crisis caused by old people that have been tried and succeeded in the past. It was done by the Mongolians under Genghis Khan, who with virtue and grace, decided to help combat climate change and remove 700 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere by killing many innocent people, which led to fewer people emitting carbon dioxide from their breathing and reforestation on unused cultivated lands of farmers and landowners who are now dead. It has throughout history been humans who cleared forests and other plant species that suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but Genghis Khan decided to protect the environment and caused global cooling instead of global warming. There have also been several other mass deaths events that occurred throughout history like the Bubonic plague but so far, it is only the Mongol invasions that killed enough people to show a significant recovery of the environment, which is also why we must kill enough old people so we can reach the number of deaths required to cool our environment. The Mongolians should be our model because unlike us, they did not cause the environment to suffer, they instead helped the environment and proved that by just simply killing a lot of people. 

The reason I chose to target old people ages 65 and older instead of any other age group is that they tend to care less about the environment than young people, and they are growing in number. It is common sense that America’s younger populations tend to care more about climate change than the older population. It is also true that there are more older people that deny climate change is real than young people. So if we kill all old people 65 and over, we are effectively increasing the percentage of Americans that support combating climate change and have politicians that support fighting climate change win their elections because there are fewer old people to vote against combating climate change. This way we can create big changes in politics to support fighting climate change and the small cost of just some random old people living in our country. During our genocide of old people 65 and older, we should make sure we kill all old people that fall under the category because their populations are growing faster than ever at a rapid growth that’s projected to be at 98 million people 65 and older, which means more carbon dioxide emissions from their mouths to pollute the environment.

Of course, there will be those few that would be unwilling to let their parents and grandparents be killed as part of this final solution, despite us willing to see entire families die and lose their homes because of global warming and rising sea levels. But, they will change their mind when they think about the lives of both old and young people already lost due to air pollution and natural disasters caused by climate change. Unless they are ignorant enough to believe climate change is not caused by humans, that is, which is something no one in our currently scientifically advanced and developed society would say. The reality is that old people over 65 just already lived their lives long enough, surely they won’t mind dying a bit earlier than expected. Anyways old lives aren’t that important when there are 331 million people’s lives in America. Especially since we are using these old people’s lives to exchange for more trees, it’s totally a great deal! This proposal will not only help save America from climate change, but it will also get rid of some old dead weight.

While many old Americans believe in conspiracy theories like climate change being a hoax or not real, we younger Americans know that climate change is the single biggest threat facing our world right now. The situation is at its worst at any point in history as carbon dioxide levels are at the highest levels ever recorded in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, as a greenhouse effect, creates many negative problems for the world. It is the most dangerous greenhouse gas because it traps heat energy and keeps the heat energy close to Earth’s surface rather than letting the heat energy be released into space. This creates rising temperatures on Earth, in a phenomenon called global warming. This causes “extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts”. Meaning that it is a huge threat to human society and biodiversity. This is a dire situation we Americans are in as we have already seen the effects of climate change in recent years, ranging from the California wildfires, hurricanes, and rising sea levels making our beaches disappear. But what many don’t see are the invisible effects of rising carbon dioxide levels such as air pollution and respiratory diseases. All these effects don’t also point to one cause. But two significant causes of the rising carbon dioxide levels are pollution from corporations and the fossil fuel industry and the overpopulation of humans. 

It is of great importance for all of humanity and America to come up with a valid solution to reduce the carbon dioxide coming from these two causes. Thus, I propose what I believe is the final solution to tackle climate change: kill all the old people ages 65 and over. We will conduct this genocide by first rounding up the old people like cattle, shoving them into gas stations, releasing carbon monoxide from their cars into the gas station, burying all the dead bodies in areas where forests were cut down, and planting tree seeds on top of their dead bodies so the trees can use the nutrients from the dead bodies to grow tall and suck more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Those thinking they have common sense may claim that this proposal is somehow radical or too crazy, but clearly, they haven’t read Jonathan Swift’s proposal. The fact is, my proposal is nowhere radical nor crazy, it is an effective solution to a global crisis caused by old people that have been tried and succeeded in the past. It was done by the Mongolians under Genghis Khan, who with virtue and grace, decided to help combat climate change and remove 700 million tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere by killing many innocent people, which led to fewer people emitting carbon dioxide from their breathing and reforestation on unused cultivated lands of farmers and landowners who are now dead. It has throughout history been humans who cleared forests and other plant species that suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but Genghis Khan decided to protect the environment and caused global cooling instead of global warming. There have also been several other mass deaths events that occurred throughout history like the Bubonic plague but so far, it is only the Mongol invasions that killed enough people to show a significant recovery of the environment, which is also why we must kill enough old people so we can reach the number of deaths required to cool our environment. The Mongolians should be our model because unlike us, they did not cause the environment to suffer, they instead helped the environment and proved that by just simply killing a lot of people. 

The reason I chose to target old people ages 65 and older instead of any other age group is that they tend to care less about the environment than young people, and they are growing in number. It is common sense that America’s younger populations tend to care more about climate change than the older population. It is also true that there are more older people that deny climate change is real than young people. So if we kill all old people 65 and over, we are effectively increasing the percentage of Americans that support combating climate change and have politicians that support fighting climate change win their elections because there are fewer old people to vote against combating climate change. This way we can create big changes in politics to support fighting climate change and the small cost of just some random old people living in our country. During our genocide of old people 65 and older, we should make sure we kill all old people that fall under the category because their populations are growing faster than ever at a rapid growth that’s projected to be at 98 million people 65 and older, which means more carbon dioxide emissions from their mouths to pollute the environment.

Research and sources used: